Responsibilites of a Club President

    Responsible for the overall club management
    Lead other officers and committee chairs to enable them to complete their tasks
    Guide the board of officers in goal-setting and decision-making
    Match the strengths and abilities of club members with committee positions
    Recognize member accomplishments
    Preside over all board and club meetings
    Plan agendas for board and club meetings
    Represent the views of club member at division, district, and international events
    Participate in club service projects, interclubs, and social activities
    Monitor progress of officers and committee chairs, providing motivation and guidance for the accomplishment of tasks
    Establish a climate of enthusiasm, openness, and concern to not only officers, but to club members
    Train current committee chairs and officers and help to provide training for incoming officers
    Recruit and retain members
    Coordinate officer elections
    Submit awards form at District and International Convention
    Promote attendance at District and International Convention
    Create an agenda for club meetings
    Conduct club meetings
    Follow up with officers to verify progress
    Communicate club activities to officers and club members
    Personally contact delinquent members

While email is great for quick communication, a phone call can make a much greater impact on member

    Consult advisers to discuss club activities
    Attend Kiwanis club meetings
    Create agenda for at least 2 board meetings
    Conduct board meetings
    Distribute information from District and International
    Ensure all monthly reports are submitted on time
    Pursue a net increase in membership
    Obtain information and assistance from immediate past president, faculty advisor, and Kiwanis adviser
    Review all literature and resources available to you
    Establish active CKI/Kiwanis relations
    Appoint committee chairs and special positions
    Conduct officer elections
    Report club activities to Circle K magazine (
    Submit award forms for district and International contests
    Ensure attendance at District events
    Encourage enthusiasm in your club
    Delegate, delegate, delegate, delegate!
    Find your replacement
    Encourage fellowship
    Provide members with resources they need to be successful