Responsibilites of a Club President
- Responsible for the overall club management
- Lead other officers and committee chairs to enable them to complete their tasks
- Guide the board of officers in goal-setting and decision-making
- Match the strengths and abilities of club members with committee positions
- Recognize member accomplishments
- Preside over all board and club meetings
- Plan agendas for board and club meetings
- Represent the views of club member at division, district, and international events
- Participate in club service projects, interclubs, and social activities
- Monitor progress of officers and committee chairs, providing motivation and guidance for the accomplishment of tasks
- Establish a climate of enthusiasm, openness, and concern to not only officers, but to club members
- Train current committee chairs and officers and help to provide training for incoming officers
- Recruit and retain members
- Coordinate officer elections
- Submit awards form at District and International Convention
- Promote attendance at District and International Convention
Weekly Duties
- Create an agenda for club meetings
- Conduct club meetings
- Follow up with officers to verify progress
- Communicate club activities to officers and club members
- Personally contact delinquent members
While email is great for quick communication, a phone call can make a much greater impact on member
- Consult advisers to discuss club activities
Monthly Duties
- Attend Kiwanis club meetings
- Create agenda for at least 2 board meetings
- Conduct board meetings
- Distribute information from District and International
- Ensure all monthly reports are submitted on time
Annual Duties
- Pursue a net increase in membership
- Obtain information and assistance from immediate past president, faculty advisor, and Kiwanis adviser
- Review all literature and resources available to you
- Establish active CKI/Kiwanis relations
- Appoint committee chairs and special positions
- Conduct officer elections
- Report club activities to Circle K magazine (
- Submit award forms for district and International contests
- Ensure attendance at District events
Special Duties
- Encourage enthusiasm in your club
- Delegate, delegate, delegate, delegate!
- Find your replacement
- Encourage fellowship
- Provide members with resources they need to be successful