Monthly Challenges for Clubs
- Officers: Submit a tentative calendar of events for the Fall semester!
- Club: Host an end of the year social event and recognize members with the most service hours, most improved, ect. This is a great way to acknowledge members for their hard work, as well as those members who will be graduating!
June July
- Officers: If your school hosts freshman orientation sessions during the summer, have someone from your Board of Officers attend and collect email addresses. Make sure to set up a contact system with new recruits.
- Officers: Host a recruitment campaign! Get together with your club to place recruitment flyers around campus, chalk the main areas of travel with meeting times, and hold 1-4 interest meetings to recruit new members, or set up a table on campus with CKI materials!
- Also, appoint vacant committee chairs ASAP!
- Club: Host a “Back to School” social event! This is a great way to get back in contact with members from the previous year, and get them excited about the upcoming semester!
- Also, get members excited for RIF Workday in Opelika!
- Officers: Plan a team building retreat with your Board! Inviting newly appointed committee chair holders is a great way for everyone to get comfortable and establish good working relationships.
- Club: Encourage a “Bring a Friend to a Meeting” campaign for the month! Award the person who brings the most friends with a prize!
- This is a great time to host a bake sale on campus! Consider hosting one to benefit The EliMiNaTe Project!
- Officers: Invite a Kiwanis member or local community member to come and speak to your club!
- Club: CKI for Change! Place change collection jars on campus and/or in your community to raise money for Reading is Fundamental!
- Also, try to work with another on-campus organization to co-coordinate a service project! Or, just find out if there is another organization hosting a project your CKI club can get involved in!
- Officers: Send an evaluation of the goals you set at the beginning of the year!
- Club: Plan an interclub with a CKI club in your district! Try to find a place where a service opportunity is available for a group, or host a tailgate for a game!
- Officers: Submit a tentative calendar of events for the Spring semester!
- Club: Have your members do something to celebrate the season! For example, contact your local Salvation Army for opportunities to do bell ringing, have members bring items to create Operation Christmas Child boxes, or host a drive to collect gifts for a local family.
This is also a great time to host a social event!
- Officers: Host another recruitment campaign! This is a great time to recruit new member who may not have been available last semester!
- Club: Kick off the semester with a hands on service project to get members actively involved and show new members that your club is active and making a difference!
- Officers: Finish up award forms for District Convention!
- Club: Hold officer elections!
- Officers: Begin the transition of the 2013-2014 Board of Officers. Have each Board member make a list of 10 Tips for Success for their predecessor.
- Club: This is a great time for the “old” Board to plan a service/fundraising project with the “new” board!