Submitting Banquet Information

When your Club is planning to hold its banquet, it is your responsibility to submit the date and location to the District Secretary. This is so that members of the District Board can make arrangements to attend. It also allows for the information to be spread to other clubs around the District so that they can make plans to attend as well.

When you are helping your club plan, its banquet there are many details that need to kept up with. Here are just a few things that you need to keep in mind:

1. Set a place, date, and time

2. Find a speaker(either a local personality or a member of the District Board)

3. Make sure you have a gift for the speaker

4. Determine the meal (have an option for those members with special diet needs)

5. Determine the cost (Club pay for certain guest such as Kiwanis president, Faculty advisor, Kiwanis advisor, speaker and his/her guests)

6. Decorate and make place settings

7. Make sure you have pins for new members

8. Create certificates for new members

9. Determine award winners/Create awards

10. Create and copy the program

11. If a K-family president is coming, ask if he/she wants to make any remarks.

12. Send directions

13. Have an American flag for the Pledge of Allegiance

14. Send Banquet invitations at least four (4) weeks in advance

Banquet Invitations should include the following:

• When (date and time)

• Where (directions)

• Cost

• Contact numbers (banquet chair/club officer)

• Formal/informal dress

• After banquet activities

• RSVP deadlines