Tracking Interclubs

Interclubs occur when members from two different Circle K Clubs or other Kiwanis Family Club, attend the same event. The Club that hosts the event gets credit for hosting the interclub, while the club(s) that attends gets credit for attending the interclub.
There are two different types of interclubs: International and District. 
For International interclubs, each club needs to be represented at an event by at least two (2) members. For District interclubs, each club must have two (2) members present at an event. It is important to keep records of all interclubs that your Club hosts or attends as they are asked for on your monthly report. When reporting interclubs, you must submit which clubs were involved in the event, the number of members from each club, and the total number of miles you traveled if you attended an event. If you host an interclub, you do not have to report the mileage. It is important to note that District events can count as interclubs for your club.

One thing to remember: If your club attends a service project during an interclub, the service hours count toward your club’s total hours, not for the club that you visit!

Refer to Appendix D for the mileage chart, how to use the mileage chart, and directions on how to calculate miles.